StrokeField Mania
let palette = ["#7b4800", "#002185", "#003c32", "#fcd300", "#ff2702", "#6b9404"]function setup () {
// Scale brushes to adapt to canvas size
// Activate the flowfield we're going to use
// Test different fields to see what happens
// We're going to draw some spirals now
for (let j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
// We pick a color from the palette
// We begin our spiral selecting the type = "curve",
// and random x and y positions for the starting point
// The function is: brush.beginStroke(type, x0, y0)
brush.beginStroke("curve", width * random(0.1,0.9), height * random(0.1,0.9));
// We define a rotation angle to get some variety
let init_angle = random(0, 360);
// Now we are going to add a series of segments to the stroke
for (let i = 0; i < Math.floor(random(20,110)); i++) {
// In order to create a spiral, we need to basically define
// a circle that gets bigger and bigger each time
// We will make a circle as a sum of four arcs.
// For each of these arcs, we will gradually increase the segment length,
// which means that the circle won't close and will become a spiral when repeated
// The function is: brush.segment(angle, length, tip_pressure)
// The first arc starts at an angle 0 (left to right)
brush.segment(0 + init_angle, 0 + i * 25, random(0.6, 1.6))
// The second arc starts at an angle 90 (bottom to top)
brush.segment(90 + init_angle, 8 + i * 25, random(0.6, 1.6))
// The third arc starts at an angle 180 (right to left)
brush.segment(180 + init_angle, 13 + i * 25, random(0.6, 1.6))
// The second arc starts at an angle 270 (top to bottom)
brush.segment(270 + init_angle, 18 + i * 25, random(0.6, 1.6))
// Finally, we end the stroke with the last angle (which should be 0 again), and tip pressure
// brush.endStroke(final_anglem, final_tip_pressure)
brush.endStroke(0 + init_angle,1)
link to p5 editor
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